Tuesday 18 September 2012

Days 6-9

Weekend……..…..in the bag. I’ve fallen behind on the blog a bit mainly due to travelling so here’s a bit of a catch up summary
Rest day Saturday then Sunday back to the grindstone.
So, in summary this is how it panned out:

Day 6
Sat went well, resting is really tough but I soldiered on and got through it.
Feasting went well like this:
Lunch: Cheesecake made by hubby of course.
Tea: Sausages & roasted pumpkin
Snack: almonds
I definitely found it much harder Saturday as we went about our usual routine; shopping sesh, spa and butty bar. Tough going my fave butty bar and ordering a Perrier water. I wasn’t hungry as I had eaten earlier at home but the smell of the bread and the tasty cakes that were wafting past me from all directions hurt, it was painful!

Sunday, it all started again:
Day 7
Followed same plan as Day 1 (this program will run for 4 weeks) all went well.
Lunch: chicken and rice followed by an apple and pomelo (ancestor of the grapefruit, larger and sweeter) medley
Tea: chicken and rice.
Pomelo, similar to Grapefruit
Day 8
Should have been Intervals but due to flight delays and being stranded in various airports a session in the gym was not an option.
Particularly hard as what should have been a short hop to Kuala Lumpur followed on by a skip to Indonesia ended up being over 15hrs in transit. As a result it was difficult to find good, clean sources of protein and complex carbs.  All things considered I think I did really well resisting Maccie D’s and feasting went as so:
Lunch: Protein bar & cold sausage (cooked earlier by husband, ate en-route)
Dinner: Tandoori fish and chicken, baked seaweed
Snack: Almonds

Day 9
Back to the gym (as in day 3) and went well. Thought it would be harder as I’m not in my usual gym but in fact it probably went better (makes sense after an impromptu days rest yesterday). Felt comfortable doing all moves and particularly enjoyed having a barbell at my disposal for my stiff leg deadlift.
Lunch: Seabass followed by fruit salad of apple, banana and melon. (last resort as no other clean carbs at my disposal…..no food planning done in advance!)
Tea: Chicken breast and spinach tossed in balsamic dressing plus 2 small yummy, no scrumptious sweet potatoes.
Drinks: It goes without saying, water & green tea. Had a Starbucks spearmint green tea today though, bit weird to be honest, rather like drinking green tea with a chewy in your mouth but you’ve got to try everything once. Needless to say been there, tasted that, probably just get the green tea next time.
To sum up:
Week 1 is complete, everything has gone pretty well and I’m definitely very pleased with my effort all round. I’ve found it hard at times as I’ve never actually felt stomach rumbling, grumpy starving sensations (my hubby may disagree on the latter) and to me that’s always felt so wrong. Don’t you have to be starving most of the day, going to bed early to relieve the pain of hunger and generally feeling extremely deprived in order to achieve a better body? Well now I know the answer…….no, not with this program. You can eat, and eat well and achieve some great results. How do I know it? Well here are my week 1 results!


Day 1 Start weight: 58.4kg           
Day 7 weight: 56.5kg

Yes I’ve lost 1.9kg!!!! Whoooooopieeee!!!!!!!
Week 1 and I’ve lost 4lbs, bye bye 9 stone I won’t be seeing you again.

Although I’m obviously pleased with my 4lb loss, what I’m even more pleased about is the tale of the tape. It’s not weight I’m trying to lose, its fat. The following tells me that I’m moving in the right direction even more than the weigh-in:

Day 1 Muffin top: 83.0cm
Day 7 Muffin top (disappearing before my eyes!) 76.5cm!!!!
Yes that’s 6.5cm of blubber currently evicted from my mid section, happy to say I’m not suffering any separation anxiety.

Day 1 Bingo wings: 29.5cm
Day 7 Bingo wings: 29.5cm   

The tape shows no loss here but I’m convinced the fat I’ve lost off the wings has been cancelled out by my new guns, can’t wait for the show ha ha.

The proof is in the pudding (protein fluff of course!) I’m happy with my results and excited to see what the next 11 weeks will bring or should I say ‘take away’!

Apologies, I have my photos from Day 1 but unfortunately they are currently stuck on my camera. Something’s gone dodgy (don’t ask me what I’m a complete technotard) and I cant get them off and on my blog. Mission this week will be to get the camera to a camera shop and get it sorted so photos will be on as soon as poss!            

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