Sunday 9 September 2012

About me

Where shall I start?
I’m a mum & a housewife currently living in a foreign country with my Hubby and Daughter (Duck). I’ve never been ‘fat’ fat but have definitely felt pretty fat plenty of times and after a summer of pure hedonistic self-indulgence (of which I’ve no regrets!) I’m now left with the aftermath, a physique to die-for, albeit hidden by an unpleasant-looking overcoat made of FAT!

I love sweets, choc, crisps etc as long as its ‘carborific’ and comes in a plastic wrapper it’ll do, especially if I’m tired, bored, hung over, emotional, hormonal, happy, sad (you get the picture!) I would go as far as to say I probably have a sugar addiction and have the war wounds to show for it (mouth full of metal). Another BIG hurdle for me is sure to be my closest friend, ‘diet coke’ I love the stuff, actually I don’t know whether it’s truly love or just habit but I start most days with a can and a further 3-5 cans would usually follow throughout the day. Oh and I like to add the odd vodka to it on a night out. Not a keen water drinker, tend to use water for doing the dishes, laundry and bathing, rarely drink the stuff.

Since having my daughter most of the fat has made its home around my core with the rest ganging up to form bingo wings to rival Oprah (the original version). My wardrobe is filled with some lovely clothes that currently resemble shrink-wrapping.

I don’t get a hell of a lot of ‘me’ time as my days are usually spent with mini-me (Duck) in a foreign country with not a babysitter within 1,000 miles. So, endless hours slogging my guts out in the gym are a no-no. I don’t have a ‘fancy pants’ gym and there is no trainer to whip me into shape.
BUT……… I have the book (or Power Report as they call it)!!! The book tells me that in just 12 weeks (conveniently the time I have left before I go back home to the UK) that I will shed the flab and go from being a “fat hoarder to a fat torcher”. I’m not normally one to buy that kind of BS but having absolute trust and belief in one of the authors and knowing the form he presents (think Greek Adonis with a Liverpool accent) I thought this was definitely worth a go. I’m saying adios to the junk, sayonara to the fizzy drinks, I’ve invested my ten pounds and I’m ready to go!

So, lets see if I can do it, (anything for a free vest!). Let’s see if I can earn the right to be gifted a “Ripped to Shreds” vest and work my way into this exclusive club???
I don’t expect it to be easy but I’m willing to give it a whirl and this ‘ere blog will be my attempt to give a ‘warts n all’ account of how it goes……………

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