Sunday 21 October 2012

Days 29 - 42

Ok, so I have already completed over a third of my program, that’s over 5 weeks under my newly holed belt. It has actually gone really quickly and I’ve enjoyed it in a sadistic sort of way ha ha. However, although I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself now is not the time to rest on my laurels as I still have another 6 weeks to go.
Here’s how the program for the second phase, weeks 5-8 looks:

Torture Time
It consists of four workout days with a day of intervals between each workout day and a days rest after the fourth workout day (8 day cycle).
I’ve started well and although it took a little prep time initially as I didn’t know what some of the actual moves were, I’ve got there in the end. Everything has been going pretty well although I definitely started a bit too cocky and was soon brought down to earth with a bang when after one set, week 1 I could do no more so in that instance the weight was dropped and I plodded on.

I was in the gym today performing a set of reps and all of a sudden I heard a loud buzzing sound. I wondered what on earth was going on until I realised and it all became clear.........I had been doing dumbell FLYES !!!! ha haaaa boom boom ...........……………I’ll get my coat.
Taxi for Mumofduck
As for feasting:
I’ve decided to try the carb cycling program from the book just to mix it up a bit (and partly cos hubby is following this and makes meal times much easier, I’ve yet to inform Duck ha ha) So, today I’m back to Day 1, week 2 of the program and Day 1 of the carb cycling (as described in the book).
Anyway for the next 3 days I’m planning on restricting my carb intake and increasing my protein and fat so that overall Ill be consuming similar calories on rest days and workout days however, less of them will be coming from carbs.
It’s a bit of an experiment really just to see how it goes and to mix things up a little and then I’ll be back on my usual yummy program keeping within my stated Macro’s.

Progress so far:

My start day photos are now successfully removed from the camera memory and stored on our memory card so I can finally add them to the blog. I know its been a while (over 5 weeks!) but better late than never hey!
Before you scroll down and take a look I promise I did not have a bowling ball under my t-shirt at any point in the photos ha ha. The nice big round belly is all mine, I think I actually managed to fill up the space duck had left behind over 2 years ago!

Sigourney Weaver just before the alien
turned up to the party

Here are the photos of me after 4 weeks (the first of 3 phases) of the program:

No pain, no gain.
Can’t wait to see what the next photos (end of phase 2) will look like! Onwards and downwards I go, adios flab!

Thursday 4 October 2012

Days 19-26

Coming to the end of this workout program (runs for 4 weeks) and feeling pretty chuffed with myself. I’m a third of the way through and I feel great. There have definitely been times when I’ve struggled to stay on the straight and narrow, when I’ve felt like a good old pigging session but I’ve managed to keep going. It’s been a month now and I haven’t touched a single drop of diet coke or an alcoholic drink (ashamed to say I probably miss the diet coke more than the ale! Party animal hey!!!). I’m really pleased that I’ve managed to live my life without my beloved diet coke and I’m sure my teeth are forever grateful. 
Loves Diet Coke

I’ve enjoyed most of the foods on my new menu, apart from the cottage cheese. Initially I thought it was ok but I’ve decided that no it was as I originally thought, tastes yakki and looks like spew.
Hubby’s abandoned me this week, gone off on business and left me to potty train the duck but I’ve forgiven him seeing that he left me with a yummy toffee cheesecake and home made coco truffles as he likes to call them. (coconut oil and cocoa, Delish!) 
Terrible photography does not do them justice!
Torture time
I have felt really strong this week and I have flown through my workouts, been in and out within 30 mins every session. I have definitely gained strength throughout this last four weeks and the auld pot belly is melting away! I’ve worked my (proverbial) balls off on the treadmill and rowed till I could row no more (my arse kills!)

So, moving forward I’ve got an interval session tomorrow, workout day 3 Friday and one final interval session Saturday then this first training portion is complete. Next Monday morning will begin my new four week program (as per the book). I’m ready for something new. (I think!)
I plan to do a weigh in on Sunday and add the beautiful before pics (don’t think Gisele will worry too much ha ha) and of course present day photos. My hubby assures me we will have the long awaited photos this weekend. I know I’ve said this before but I have faith………..