Monday 24 September 2012

Days 10-15

I haven’t been blogging much this week due to travelling but I’m back on home ground now so it’s time to catch up and plod on.
I’ve continued to follow the workout plan this last week and stuck to my Macro’s well. Hardest part during this time was obviously the change or lack of routine in my day and travelling.
This was particularly difficult as I started my journey very early 5.30am on an intervals day and didn’t actually reach my destination until 9.30pm so it was impossible to complete my planned interval session that day. (Similar scenario on return leg.)
As for feasting, I prepared a ‘lunch box’ of suitable snacks to take with me for the journey which included cooked sausages, protein bars, cooked meat and nuts. It was still tough though! Even though our lifestyle involves regular travel I still automatically switch to ‘holiday mode’ when Im in an airport. I had my little bag of goodies but it was still very challenging sitting in various airports with wall to wall fast food outlets calling me over. The smell of Maccie D”s and KFC were a killer but I soldiered on. Travelling is definitely a significant challenge!

I managed to complete all my gym sessions as planned apart from on the travel days. Although during this time I had a bit more flexibility as there were babysitters on hand, I found I had to plan my day well in advance as shopping, coffee sessions and other activities had to work around my eating plan.
During my trip it was my father in-laws birthday and obviously he was going to get a cake on the day. Anyway, just to tighten the screws a little further my mother in law decided to cook her own choccy cake for his birthday. The smell of baking and chocolate was a killer and I definitely came close to temptation. I think the only thing that stopped me from a slice was the fact that I was there when she actually made it and saw the massive block of butter that went into the mix! (I hate cake its dripping in butter….dirty greasy cake…)
After surviving the choccy cake torture and declining the various goodies that were knocking about (sweets galore!!!) I then had my self-control questioned further when we went for his birthday meal. Picture this…………. loads of warm, freshly cooked bread, onion soup with a huge chunk of cheesy toast swimming in it, fresh fish and chipppsssss….then think about prawn salad, grouper and vegetables, you went for the second option, right? Me too.

Really enjoyed my meal (and no it wasn’t the chippy option) and didn’t feel quite so hard done to as it really was delicious. Must admit it also made me feel better when they got home feeling like shit, wanting to do nothing but veg on the couch and I felt great!

Today, back on my home patch, fast-forwarded to Day 15. It’s an interval day so I plan to head down the gym a little later. I plan to do a weigh in tomorrow and continue with my weights session 2 as planned.
In summary, I think I’m getting into the swing of things and generally it’s been ok, haven’t felt starving and normally don’t feel as though I’m being deprived of anything. I feel good, leaner and on the way to a new me. (Duck is also doing well as she no longer copies my bad snacking habits and is eating similar meals to me, she now asks for broccoli on a daily basis!).

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